ACS Media Group Apps

Community Fish Tank 3.0.0
ACS Media Group
TABLETS REQUIRE INTERNET OR WIFI CONNECTIVITYFOR APP TO FUNCTIONTropical fish are some of the most beautiful in the world andadding an aquarium to a room is an attractive and often mesmerizingexperience. What's more, it's a lot of fun setting up the perfecteco-environment for your fish to live in and thrive. There is boundto some amazing aquarium designs around these days, but whether yougo for a more traditional aquarium or a state of the artcontemporary ones, there are some things to consider.If you already have a community tank with fish in it and youwant to add a few more to the environment, then there are certainthings you need to bear in mind. Introducing new fish into anestablished tank has to be one of the riskiest things a fish keepermight think about doing. The more expensive the fish, the morenerve-racking the experience becomes.If you are thinking about setting up a new aquarium, then thisapp should serve as a guide to choosing just the right types offish for just the right types of aquariums.
225 Business Ideas for Women 2.0
ACS Media Group
TABLETS REQUIRE INTERNET OR WIFI CONNECTIVITYFOR APP TO FUNCTIONFinally, an innovative and informative App designed specificallyfor entrepreneurial women. If you are contemplating starting yourown business, then this App is for you. Often, coming up with justthe right idea for which product or service you want to be involvedwith can be mentally exhausting. Why recreate the wheel? Providedfor you, is a compilation of over 200 business ideas that you canstart from your very own home with low start up costs. Some ofthem, you probably would have never thought of on your own. Somewere right under your nose.The app provides a plethora of great practical ideas for starting abusiness. The ideas are simple, so anyone can go into business forthemselves. Getting the business off the ground is the hardestpart. The ideas are presented in an easy and relaxing format.Follow along as over 200 business ideas are presented to you tostimulate your creative juices. Keep a tablet handy to jot downideas that resonate with you.
CEO by NOON Business App 2.0
ACS Media Group
TABLETS REQUIRE INTERNET OR WIFI CONNECTIVITYFOR APP TO FUNCTIONThe CEO by NOON mobile app is an easy to use and informativeresource for a business start up. This app is for the beginner thathas little experience starting a business. Everyone wants to workfor themselves. Right? Now, with the assistance of the CEO by NOONApp, becoming your own boss has never been simpler. The challengelies in finding just the right product or service that you wouldlike to be involved with and then executing a plan of action. TheCEO by NOON App will guide you through some of the processes thatyou will inevitably experience and get you up and running in notime. You will learn the chronological order of executing certaintasks along with tips of the trade.Tips such as:If you were starting a lawn maintenance service; A choice of twobusiness phone numbers were offered to you (770) 555.6600 or (770)555.5296. Which would you choose? Of course, the one with thezeros, easy to remember, right? That’s true, however, you shouldrethink that decision;The second number might be an even better choice. Why? I’m sureyou’ve figured it out already; however, it is answered in the Appunder the Communications Devices Icon. When you discover thatsimple aspect, you would agree that the second number would be aphenomenal choice for your marketing and advertisingparaphernalia.The app is filled with subtle tips like this that can make yourdecision to start a business a success from the onset and show youa few short cuts along the way. It’s called CEO by NOON for areason. If you really work fast, smart, and check the excuses atthe door, you can get your new business idea off the ground in notime at all.Some of the topics we will cover are:Choosing the IndustryNaming the BusinessIncorporating the BusinessSetting up a Business EmailChoosing the Corporate HeadquartersHow to get an EIN NumberOpening a Business Bank AccountShareholder LoansOccupational LicensesBonding & InsuranceCommunication DevicesWholesale AccountsChoosing a Central ThemeLogo DesignMarketing Materials & AdvertisingInventoryStarting a Marketing CampaignBusiness ResourcesThere are a multitude of tasks that you can accomplish while youwait for official documents and filings. One thing you will learnfrom this App is that there is always something that you could bedoing for the business. You cannot make money and excuses the sameyear. So, if you’re ready, download the app and lets get cracking.No excuses!
Business Moms 3.0.1
ACS Media Group
TABLETS REQUIRE INTERNET OR WIFI CONNECTIVITYIN ORDER FOR APP TO FUNCTIONReleased just before Mother’s Day, this App is for all theMomprenuers out there. The app is best utilized to stir up yourimagination by providing an extensive list of practical businessideas. Whether you choose direct sales, consulting, blogging oronline retailing, there is something for every Mom. We’ve includeda list of Trending businesses for women that is sure to resonatewith almost everyone.Included:200+ Practical Business Ideas45 Trending Businesses for WomenA Career Assessment section
Fun with Bettas 2.0
ACS Media Group
TABLETS REQUIRE INTERNET OR WIFI CONNECTIVITYFOR APP TO FUNCTIONThe Fun with Bettas app takes children and adults on a journeyof discovery into the amazing world of Bettas. Combined with anentertaining approach to the topic, it engages novice inquisitivelearners, while the depth of material intrigues more experiencedbreeders. Packed with beautiful illustrations, the user will learnthe history, names and classifications, common diseases and how toproperly diagnose diseases of these amazing creatures. The app isdevelopmentally appropriate for all ages. It includes detailedinformation accompanied by videos that teach the user step by stephow to breed Bettas and how to care for the resultingoffspring.Topics covered include: The History of Bettas, ScientificInformation about the species, Equipment & Supplies, GettingStarted, The Conditioning Process, The Breeding Process and Feeding& Raising Fry. The videos provide clear explanations, beautifulBetta models and amusing animations. A combination of stunningimages, beautiful photography, and bold illustrations withon-screen text, it will captivate and stimulate. Close-upvideography of breeding activity, yet still age-appropriate forkids. Each topic covered uses live action, full narration withgreat music and graphics. Fun for the whole family.Recent Updates:3-24-14 Added a section entitled Egg-Bound Females under theDiseases Tab, based in a part by a question from a Betta owner.Works on ANDROID, iPHONE, iPAD, BLACKBERRY, WINDOWS PHONE andmore..
Water Conservation 3.0.0
ACS Media Group
Welcome to the Water Conservation App. We hopeeveryone downloads this app. Water conservation has become anessential practice in all regions, even in areas where water seemsabundant. In addition to saving money on your utility bill, waterconservation helps prevent water pollution in nearby lakes, riversand local watersheds.Conserving water can also extend the life of your septic systemby reducing soil saturation, and reducing any pollution due toleaks. Overloading municipal sewer systems can also cause untreatedsewage to flow to lakes and rivers. The smaller the amount of waterflowing through these systems, the lower the likelihood ofpollution. In some communities, costly sewage system expansion hasbeen avoided by community-wide household water conservation.Saving water also saves energy. A portion of energy used in anystate is for pumping and treating water. In fact, pumping water,sometimes uphill, accounts for 2 – 3% of all the electricity usedin a state. As for your personal energy bill, using less hot watersaves on water heating. Conversely, saving energy and usingalternative energy saves water. Electricity production from fossilfuels and nuclear energy is responsible for 39% of all freshwaterwithdrawals in the nation.There are many effective ways to conserve water in and aroundyour home. Look through this app for ways that will work foryou.
Maslow's Theory 3.0.1
ACS Media Group
TABLETS REQUIRE INTERNET OR WIFI CONNECTIVITYFOR APP TO FUNCTIONHere’s a simple, yet effective app for Students and Adults togain a better, more in-depth understanding of Maslow’s Hierarchy ofHuman Needs. Great for the classroom, study groups orindividualized study aspects.The app covers:Physiological NeedsSafety & Security NeedsBelonging & Love NeedsEsteem NeedsSelf-actualization Needs
All About Guppies 3.0.0
ACS Media Group
TABLETS REQUIRE INTERNET OR WIFI CONNECTIVITYFOR APP TO FUNCTIONArguably, the most popular tropical fish on the planet. Guppiesare prolific breeders and there are numerous different varieties.This app is designed to teach anyone unfamiliar with Guppies, howto easily care for them.The nickname for the species is called "the million fish." Thisis because, if you are not careful during the selection process atthe pet store, you could end up with a multitude of new little tankmates in just a few weeks. The majority of females will be pregnanteven before you bring them home. Just one insemination can producemultiple pregnancies long after.So, here's a handy little app that you can peruse before goingto the pet store or better yet, while you are in the pet store.Make sure that you are selecting the right fish (male, female orboth) for your community tank environment. Many of the associatesworking at the pet store do not know how to properly determine thegender of Guppies. Now you can tell them exactly what you want!Included in the app are topics and colorful illustrations thatcover:HistoryScientific InfoVarietiesTail TypesExternal Anatomy of Male & FemaleCaring for GuppiesBreedingand much more.........
Kid Safety App 2.0
ACS Media Group
TABLETS REQUIRE INTERNET OR WIFI CONNECTIVITYFOR APP TO FUNCTIONThe Kid Safety Mobile App is designed to teach kids how to remainsafe around potential strangers by making sure they are preparedbefore they even leave the house. Here are some startling reasonswhy your child needs to learn ways to effectively deal withstrangers in their space.Each year, over 800,000 kids disappear under various differentcircumstances. That’s about 2000 kids per day going missing.Over 200,000 of these are family abductions, which is when afamily member deprives the rightful guardian of custodial rights.Over 90% of these kids return home.Over 50,000 abductions are non-family abductions. This involvesforcibly removing or detaining a child in connection with a crimefor a short period of time. 99% of these children returnedhome.And then, there are over 100 incidents were dangerous typeabductions by strangers occur where the child was kept overnight,held for ransom or worse. Only about 60% of these kids returnedsafely.The Kid Safety Mobile App is chocked full of common sense tips.It teaches kids how to determine safe adults to approach if theywere lost or needed help. Kid Safety is everyone’s responsibility.This App should be viewed by the whole family and is G-Rated. Itprovides users with safety tips that are proven effective. Itcovers topics that you may not have a full understanding andawareness of. This mobile app could be one of the smartestinvestments that you make for your family this year. Topics includesuch items as:Stranger DangerWho to TrustCyber Threats & Cyber-BullyingSelf DefenseHow to Deal with BullyingWhat to Do If You Get LostSafety TipsFor ParentsArmed with valuable information, your child can feel moreconfident that they can handle themselves in certain uncomfortablesituations. Although a parent must always remain vigilant, thepeace of mind that you feel is priceless. Enjoy!WORKS ON ANDROID, iPHONE, iPAD, BLACKBERRY, WINDOWS PHONE, NABIand many more....
Burglary Investigator 3.0.0
ACS Media Group
TABLETS REQUIRE INTERNET OR WIFI CONNECTIVITYFOR APP TO FUNCTIONHaving your home or apartment burglarized is traumatic andleaves you feeling violated, angry and vulnerable. Turn thatnegative energy into action. The real focus should be on findingout who broke into your home. From the moment you discover thatentry has been made to your home, you can begin your owninvestigation to run concurrently with the Investigator’s.Face it, if a Detective had no caseload and could focus solelyon your case, then the outcome might be more promising. However,this is never the case, so you have to learn to aid theinvestigation by investigating the burglary yourself. Often you canelevate your case to fit into a different classification that willget the Detective to delve further into your case. Cases areseparated by solvability factors. Zero solvability factor, meanszero follow-up investigation.What happens when the officer goes door-to-door speaking withneighbors after a burglary, asking if they saw anything? A fewneighbors are not home, the officer moves on. One of thoseneighbors had video cameras pointing in the direction of your home.Who’s going back later to speak with them, the Officer? TheDetective? On a case with no leads, not going to happen!Investigate Your Own Burglary.
ICE Assist 2.0
ACS Media Group
TABLETS REQUIRE INTERNET OR WIFI CONNECTIVITYFOR APP TO FUNCTIONThis app is intended to assist the user unfamiliar with ICE,with setting it up on your mobile phone for the first time. If youwere seriously injured and unable to communicate with Police orFire personnel, how would your loved ones be notified of where youare and what’s going on? Ideally, wouldn't it be nice if a familymember or friend were waiting for you at the hospital when youarrived, or rode in the ambulance with you from the scene?The amount of time and resources that emergency personnel spendconducting drive by’s and locate and notify’s to your home could becut in half or negated completely. It ties up other police agenciesas well, when you live outside the jurisdiction of where you wereinjured. All of this waste of precious time and resources can beavoided by simply adding ICE to your phone. If your child has aphone, you would be remiss if you did not add ICE.Setting up ICE on your phone is easy and the ICE Assist Appprovides step-by-step instructions on how to do it, as well as afew tips. The time to set up ICE is right now, before disasterstrikes.WORKS ON ANDROID, iPHONE, iPAD, BLACKBERRY, WINDOWS PHONE, NABIetc.
Aquatic Products 3.0.0
ACS Media Group
Welcome to the Aquatic Products onlinestoreApp. We offer aquariums, tanks, accessories, DVDs, mobile appsandall things fishy, especially for Bettas.At Aquatic Products, we are focused on providing fishaquariumproducts and supplies with the highest levels ofcustomersatisfaction – we will do everything we can to meetyourexpectations.With a variety of offerings to choose from, we are sure thatyouwill be happy with our line of products. Shop our store and ifyouhave any comments or questions, please feel free to contactus.Check back for new updates to our store. There’s much moretocome!.....You will find complete fish tank packages and a full lineofaquarium supplies and other products. Whether you need aMobileFish App for your smartphone or tablet, or a DVD on how tobreedand care for your fish, you will find the best selection atAquaticProducts.Users of the app often receive special offers, giveawaysanddiscounts only offered to current users.
SizeMinder 3.0.0
ACS Media Group
How many times has this happened to you?You’reat the department store for something and you bump into yourtwobest friends, Clarence and Sally (Clearance/Sale). They havetheabsolutely most adorable pair of shoes that would be perfectforyour niece or nephew. Their birthday is approaching in a fewdays.There’s only one pair left, so you’d better grab them. Talkabouttwo birds with one stone. But, Wait! What size do they wear,a 6?That was last year, do you get the 7 and hope. Quick, what doyoudo? What… do…. you… do?Well, if you just have to guess. Here’s help!Here’s a quick and handy little measuring guide to help youmakea reasonable guess at a person’s shoes size, especially kids.Theapp includes U.S., European and U.K. size conversions chartsaswell for your convenience.
30 Days Better You 3.0.0
ACS Media Group
TABLETS REQUIRE WIFI OR INTERNETCONNECTIVITYFOR APP TO FUNCTIONNo it’s not a diet! Unless cutting back on negativity canbeconsidered a diet.Why the Lemon? Well, we wholeheartedly subscribe to a beliefthatwhen life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Take what lifeisoffering you and put a positive spin on it. This isaccomplishedfirst by a positive outlook, which means the glass halffullapproach and secondly by positive self-talk. Words evokeemotions.Don’t believe it?Your boss walks by and say’s “excellent job the other day,”howdo you feel? Your boss walks by and say’s, "I need to seeyoubefore you leave today?" How do you feel now? Simple wordsaren’tthey, two totally separate emotions. How about this, have youevercalled out sick for work to go to a cookout, but then startedtoactually feel a little under the weather. You're laughing, wehaveall been there right? Words have everything to do witheverythingabout you. Take them seriously; use them to youradvantage.We know that Garbage in, Garbage out. However, Positive in-Positive out works just as powerfully. Try to memorize andrecitethese affirmations for 30 days and see if your positivementalattitude does not improve. It is very challenging, but youwillhave fun mastering it and you might just boost your self-esteeminthe process. A Cheat is included with each day in case youcannotrecall the previous affirmations.
The New 48 Rules of Power 3.0.0
ACS Media Group
THE NEW 48 RULES OF POWER App is anewcollection of rules based on historical, philosophical andlifelesson anecdotes. These rules are amoral, meaning thattheythemselves don’t take into account any sense of right orwrong.Instead, the rules focus on how one can increase theirinfluenceover any situation, regardless of the moral consequencesof doingso. The app focuses on how to gain power in any situationand ituses specific anecdotes from history and life to illustratetheserules of power.Know when these rules are being exerted over you. Issomeonestanding over you while speaking? Is the CEO accessible? Dosqueakywheels, get the grease in your organization? Do you wish tobewell-liked by everyone or do you care? Are you an open bookormysterious? Do you party with your coworkers? Are you abletodominate others and bend them to your will, howaboutcompetitors?Give the app a whirl. Remember, there's no right or wrong, justastrong and effective seizure of power.
Beat the Rap Police App 2.0
ACS Media Group
TABLETS REQUIRE INTERNET OR WIFICONNECTIVITYFOR APP TO FUNCTIONDISCLAIMER:The information contained in this Mobile App is forENTERTAINMENTPURPOSES ONLY. It is not intended to give legaladvice. If you needlegal advice, you should consult a licensedattorney. Bydownloading this application, you agree that you areover the ageof 18 and understand the above mentioned statement. TheCreators ofthis App are not experts on behavior and our opinionsare justthat, our opinions on how interaction with law enforcementmightensue. The behaviors suggested in all instances demonstraterespectand forthrightness with our honored professional lawenforcementheroes. Any expectations that this App might belittle,insult orportray law enforcement professionals in a negative lightcan bedismissed before you go any further with this App.An informative quick reference guide for your smartphoneortablet to a few of the most common police interactions. Learntipsand techniques on how to conduct yourself during an encounter.FromTraffic Stops to Domestic Violence, with the proper techniquesandguidance, your chances greatly increase of having awinningencounter with law enforcement.Areas covered:Traffic StopsFelony StopsStop & FriskDomesticsMirandaQuestioningYour Rights
Darn Good Biscuits 3.0.0
ACS Media Group
Baking covers a huge range of mixturesandingredients. It is almost impossible to list them all. Thisappprovides a list of some of the more popular biscuit recipesandmore to be added soon. When people think of baking they mostoftenthink of cakes or breads. However, biscuits also fit intothese twocategories. There are hundreds of variations that rangefrom sweetto savory. They can be prepared for individual servingsor forlarge gatherings. The yield size is also included with eachrecipeto assist with measuring for large batches.
Go Paint 3.0.0
ACS Media Group
TABLETS REQUIRE INTERNET OR WIFICONNECTIVITYFOR APP TO FUNCTIONHoney-Do-List ever led you on a botched mission involvingleavingthe paint store with a couple of cans of paint and a ton ofgoodintentions? Only to forget half of what the paint guy saidonce youarrive home? Did he say remove the tape while the paint'swet or letit dry first? What's the best way to roll the paint onagain? Ithink I have everything; tape, drop cloths, brushes, I’mgood right?How far does one gallon stretch? I don't need a ladder;I bought theextension pole for the roller. That one’s actuallycomical when itfinally dawns on you that you need to tape theceiling also. He saidbrush with short strokes following the grainand then long strokesover the entire area, or was it the other wayaround?You end up just like the rest of us, putting off theprojectuntil you can find someone to do it for you. You'resmart,enthusiastic and you most certainly would like to stay out ofthedoghouse right? Guys know what I mean. However, you just wishyouhad someone there just to guide you, bounce a few questionsoff.Well, here's a bit of help. Follow along with the app andyou’reready to start prepping in no time and just Go Paint!Keep your paint projects going smoothly with practical guidestohelp you with prepping, taping, sheen guides, recommendationsofwhich type of paint for certain rooms, checklists so youdon’tforget anything, how to get clean professional edges, "cuttingin",the rolling "W" technique, measuring how much paint for eachroomand much more....If you've ever wanted to stay a bit more organized and smoothoutyour paint projects, now's your chance.
So! Fail 3.0.0
ACS Media Group
TABLETS REQUIRE INTERNET OR WIFI CONNECTIVITYFailure is the mother of success. There is wisdom to begainedfrom the lessons of failure. Failure makes people wiser indealingwith life’s difficulties and obstacles. Those who are notdefeatedby failures will eventually succeed in life. Presented toyou arelife changing inspirational quotes. More are beingaddedfrequently.
ACS Media Group
TABLETS REQUIRE INTERNET OR WIFICONNECTIVITYFOR APP TO FUNCTIONPLEASE READ:While we appreciate your interest, the end-user of thisappshould be an inquisitive party, affiliate, investor, orprospectiveor current Client of ACS Media Group. Important andproprietaryinformation about the company is passed on via the app.As opposedto downloading and rendering a poor rating because it wasnot whatyou expected, please consider first whether any of theabovecriterion applies to you.ACS MEDIA GROUP started as a media entertainment company inearly2010. While we remain singularly focused on our companymotto,EDUCATE, EXCITE, ENTERTAIN, we have adopted a TrojanHorsephilosophy. We stand poised and ever vigilant to capitalizeonmultiple different revenue streams from multiple differentproductlines. Producing corporate and training videos is now just asmallpart of what we do.With the ever-changing landscape and technological advancesinthe production and entertainment industry, it made sense toexpandand diversify our family of products and services. Thisexpansionhas afforded the company an opportunity to experiment withothermarkets. We excel at switching gears and following creativenewbusiness trends. Trends are particularly rewarding to acompanysuch as ours, because timing is everything.In late 2013, our latest strategic initiative divided thecompanyinto two separate, but equally important and beneficialfunctionsBusiness Development and Creative Development. Along withthis act,two Captains were promoted and given their own ships tocommand.This separation of powers allowed for expansion of theproduct linesand allowed for more succinct marketing campaigns.While onedepartment is either in production or the development ofa newproduct line, the other department is readying the marketingandpromotional aspects of the campaign in preparation to marry thetwo.Constant communication is the key ingredient between thetwodepartments in order to have a flawless launch or what we refertoas a “lift off”.Under the Business Development umbrella, our initiativestoassist small to medium-sized businesses with mediaproduction,graphics design, advertising and other marketing needsarehoused.Under the Creative Development division, we encompass all oftheinitiatives and projects that make our company so special. Wehavea Product Fulfillment Facility located in Atlanta thatspecializesin the processing, shipping and handling of our familyof products.We partner with eBay, Amazon, Create Space, Appsbar andthe GooglePlay Store, just to name a few. Our family of productshave beenfeatured in Aquarist Magazine and We quicklyrose tobecome the #1 World Leader in Betta Fish Apps.Two Divisions, One Shared Vision.
Dwight Young Republican Senate 2
ACS Media Group
Download the best app for followingyourcandidate Dwight Young to the primaries during the Senate racefor2016. Follow election results and updates. Get the latest newsonthe campaign trail for the Senate. Get complete schedulesofappearances, interviews, events and rallies. App usersreceivespecial invitations not extended to the general public.SpecialPress information provided.Features:-Up to date information on the campaign-Links to Videos-Photo Gallary-Party Platform information-Candidate Biography-Schedule of Events-Campaign progress information-Links to website-Republican IssuesThe app contains all the useful information you can'tfindorganized anywhere else! More features to come!
Low Chol - Lower Cholesterol 3.0.0
ACS Media Group
TABLETS REQUIRE WIFI OR INTERNET CONNECTIVITYFOR APP TO FUNCTIONCholesterol sounds like such a dirty word, but in the rightamounts, cholesterol helps your body to function. Unfortunately,your genes and your diet may leave you with more than your systemcan efficiently handle. When there is too much cholesterol in yourblood, it builds up in your arteries and can eventually cut off theblood supply to your heart. The higher your cholesterol, thegreater your chances are of developing heart disease.Learn some simple ways to make healthier choices in your diet.When you have high cholesterol or trying to avoid high cholesterol,everyone thing that is good for you, is not always good foryou.
Arowana Madness 3.0.0
ACS Media Group
TABLETS REQUIRE WIFI OR INTERNETCONNECTIVITYFOR APP TO FUNCTIONDevelopmentally appropriate for all ages. Designed tointroducechildren and adults to a phenomenal experience. Combinedwith anentertaining approach to the topic, it engages young,inquisitivelearners, while the depth of material gets moreexperiencedindividuals intrigued. Packed with beautifulillustrations,children and adults will have fun while learning thehistory, namesand classifications of these amazing creatures. Thereare pages onthe App that contain information on the History of theSpecies,Scientific Information, Feeding, Breeding, Anatomy andCaring forthese amazing fish.
Bettas in 10 2
ACS Media Group
Here’s an introductory app on how tobreedSiamese Fighting Fish more commonly referred to as Bettas.Bettasare one of the hardiest fish to keep in the aquarium world,howeverone of the trickiest to breed. There are some basicrequirementsfor keeping and breeding Bettas. Here’s a quick guidefor gettingyou off to great start from tank setup, choosing asuitable coupleto raising fry.
Kick Butt BBQ App 2.0
ACS Media Group
TABLETS REQUIRE INTERNET OR WIFICONNECTIVITYFOR APP TO FUNCTIONLet’s face it, barbecue ribs are the cuisine of America. 80%ofAmericans own a barbecue grill. Ribs are the ultimatefeel-goodfood. Who doesn't enjoy a mouthwatering, tender,succulent,barbecue pork rib? Whether you enjoy your ribs tangy,sweet, smokedor Cajun; there’s a recipe in here for everyone. Newrecipes andenhanced functionality are being added often. Wheneverthe app islaunched, the latest version is displayed with any newinformationthat has been added, so no need for additionaldownloading orupdating. Its the app that keeps on giving.
Betta Basics 3.0.0
ACS Media Group
TABLETS REQUIRE WIFI OR INTERNETCONNECTIVITYFOR APP TO FUNCTIONHere's a handy little app to learn the basics of how tobreedBettas or Siamese Fighting Fish. Included are graphicillustrationsof Betta Anatomy, Bubble Nest building and variousspecies. Topicsinclude Betta diseases, history of Siamese FightingFish and muchmore. Take it with you to the pet store and select thebestcandidate for breeding and know the exact speciesyou'reselecting.Butterfly BettaCombtail BettaCrowntail BettaDelta Tail BettaDoubletail BettaDragonscale BettaFeathertail BettaGiant or King BettaHalfmoon BettaPlakat BettaRosetail BettaRoundtail BettaSpadetail BettaSuper Delta Tail BettaTripletail BettaVeiltail Betta (most common)
World of Bettas 2.0
ACS Media Group
TABLETS REQUIRE INTERNET OR WIFICONNECTIVITYFOR APP TO FUNCTIONThe WORLD OF BETTAS Mobile App delivers over 30 minutes ofgreatvideo tutorial. There’s a relaxing soundtrack and greatspecialeffects accompanying the videos. There is video footagecoveringthe various stages of the breeding process. All culminatinginto aninteresting and informative illustration.This is a very simple app that delivers a big punch ofvideomaterial. Simply press the icon that you wish to learn aboutandwatch the video. Pause, rewind, go forward or takenotesaccordingly. If you were ever interested in learning how tobreedSiamese Fighting Fish, here's your chance.The App videos cover:History of the SpeciesScientific InformationSupplies & EquipmentGetting StartedConditioningBreedingRaising FryWorks on ANDROID, iPHONE, iPAD, BLACKBERRY, WINDOWSPHONE,NABI
Betta Breeding 101 2
ACS Media Group
Let's face it, Bettas are some cool littleguyswith some pretty big personalities. That’s part of theiroverallfascination and why we love them. Owning and caring forBettas isone thing, however, breeding them is a totally separateundertaking.As Betta breeders, we know all the ins and outs, tipsandtechniques, but what about the beginning Betta breederorenthusiast? Who looks out for them?We endeavored to create an app that covers the basics. Wewillcall this app Betta Breeding 101, which starts with the basicsandholds your hand throughout the process. This is the perfect appforthe beginning Betta enthusiast. You will learn the How-toofbreeding Bettas and have tons of fun doing it. Thanks for allofyour questions and issues dealing with Bettas from ourloyalsupporters. This has helped us to insert succinct informationintothe app modules.Included in the app are the following:History of BettasScientific InformationEquipment NeededSetting upSelection ProcessConditioning ProcessBreeding ProcessFeeding & Raising FrySpecies IdentificationInternal & External AnatomyCommon DiseasesTons of Video Tutorials….
Flag Football Rules 3.0.0
ACS Media Group
TABLETS REQUIRE INTERNET OR WIFICONNECTIVITYFOR APP TO FUNCTIONFlag football is quickly becoming America’s favorite game.Theperfect sport for young athletes and adults alike, providingasafer experience. This handy app provides an introduction tothebasic Rules of the Game. Rules concerning such aspects aspassing,catching, de-flagging, equipment, penalties, scoring andlotsmore....Perfect for anyone wishing to set up a league, youth play orjusta pick up game. Know the rules, before you play!
How to Breed Cichlids 3.0.0
ACS Media Group
Welcome to the How to Breed Cichlids App.Beginners will especially appreciate the easy-to-follow practicaladvice given in this app on how to breed and care for Cichlids.When you go to the pet store, you can choose just the right Cichlidwith just the right temperament for your aquarium.Featuring information on the Species identification, Nestbuilding, Selection, Breeding, Aquariums and tanks, Feeding andDiseases. Learn the scientific information includingclassifications and sub-categories of Cichlids. Distinguish betweenAmerican Cichlids such as Convict, Dwarf and other Cichlids;African Cichlids such as Rift Valley, Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika,Lake Victoria or Lake Rudolph Cichlids; and various species ofAsian Cichlids.
Sales Booster 3.0.0
ACS Media Group
Here’s a nifty little app that may be abletojump start activity when sales are slow or non-existent. Asyouknow, when you are only ordering 10 items from a wholesaler,andlarger companies are ordering 1000, they are going to payless.Thus, having more profitability built-in. It’s true,offeringdiscounts to your customers can be a great incentive tomaking abuying decision. However, now your profit margin is cutevensmaller. Ask yourself this question? Do you want yourcustomersstalling purchases until you discount or “mark-down” yourproductsor services? Why trim profit margins in order to closesales?At your fingertips, you’re armed with proven alternative waystoeffectively boost your sales without dropping price. You canlaunchsuccessful ad and marketing campaigns. Add a combination ofthesetechniques and you just may start to see the numbersclimbing.